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Birds of a feather!

Every relationship is important and must be given due consideration.If your counterpart is negative and weaker you should be careful lest it draws you into the kind of habits and surroundings that might end up darkening your horizon.If ,however,your counterpart is...

Genuine communication!

Genuine communication begins with myself. The most important question I should be able to answer is: How do I communicate with myself? In other words, what is the story I’m telling myself at any given moment? The answer is the very basis of emotional...

Votre choix!

Quand vous vous dites que vous n’avez pas assez d’argent pour vous offrir ce que vous désirez ou que vous n’avez pas assez de courage ,de volonté ou de discipline pour faire ce que vous voulez faire,vous créez une situation dans laquelle vous êtes...


Every problem you got is a godsend.It’ll teach you something valuable and will help you grow faster.Please remember that any problem is an awful thing to waste.In fact,the wise have always held that problems,pain and hardship are God’s best...

Thank you so much!

It’s been said that learning is discovering that something is possible!How true that is!Learning is moving ahead,creating,progressing,innovating.It can be done either consciously and that is academically and therefore in a spirit of getting.But,it can also be...