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Somebody was knocking at my door the other night and it was past midnight. Who the heck was this I asked myself? All of a sudden I felt a heavy anguish invade my heart. I immediately checked my phone to see if any family member or friend tried to contact me. Nothing....


Whatever happens, I’ll never say « yes » so easily again. Wherever I am, I’ll never show that kind of weakness again. Whatever I’m doing, I’ll never let myself slide into that kind of negative situation again .Never again shall I say “yes” to...


Success is not how you start but how you continue. It’s important to keep on keeping on with diligence, self-discipline and integrity. It’s vital to keep one’s word in all circumstances…even if in dire straits or at a disadvantage. Breaking...

The suggestion!

This is what Nature gently suggests, ‘‘I am yours if there is goodness and love in your heart…I am yours if there is divine beauty in your soul…I am yours if you show me that you care and love me! Be grateful, be kind, be considerate and generous towards God’s riches!...

How true!

Sometimes, it is not the work you perform that tires you …but rather it is the work you don’t perform that wears you out!They say that « but » is the curtain behind which fear hides!