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Waiting for me

It’s a new,positive and beautiful day.I’m so excited because there may be a wonderful surprise waiting for me somewhere…perhaps just round the corner.I’ll go get it wholeheartedly,enthusiastically, and happily. I just have to fill my lungs with fresh...

Do you?

God offered you 86.400 seconds to spend any way you like today.My question is simple: Have you spent just one to say THANK YOU.He also gave you limitless fresh air to breathe during every fraction of these blessed 86.400 seconds.My second question is even simpler:...


Dare to dare now and then.Move into the unknown and find out what’s in there for you.Move away from your boring routine and do something you’ve never done before. Make drastic changes in your life and move away from that ‘suffocating » comfort zone...

Quoi qu’il arrive

Quoi qu’il arrive, vous avez déjà gagné. Quoi qu’il arrive,la vie vous a déjà offert ce qu’elle a de meilleur. Quoi qu’il arrive, vous êtes déjà béni. Tout ceci car en tant qu’enfant, vous vous dépêchiez pour rentrer à la maison où votre...


Doing your best is good but doing your very best is even better.Doing much more than your very best is awesome.Doing much much more than your very best is called stretching which means if you can’t,you must.You are the kind that never gives...


I just woke up and it’s past midnight.I usually go to bed at 22.30 and wake-up the following morning at 5.30.It’s a good routine established through good habits and I’m proud of it.But sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night for no...